a global granulosa cell registry has been opened
Dr. Hillman is a a surgeon-scientist whose laboratory and clinical research programs are dedicated to making discoveries that improve the lives of patients with granulosa cell tumors.
Even with these ongoing efforts, we all know that there are gaps in how this disease is understood. Dr. Hillman and his research team are continually working on how to better understand the causes and risk factors for this disease as well as improve how doctors are personalizing our current treatment options.
A global granulosa cell tumor registry has been created to address these needs. This registry has started to collect data on disease characterization, treatment, tumor molecular profiles, and outcomes for patients with GCT. This registry will help support research to answer important questions about environmental risk factors, genetic causes, and the effectiveness of treatment approaches. This data will help promote the work of ovarian cancer researchers across the world. You can contribute to the registry no matter where you are being treated and in any stage of treatment or recurrence.
In the picture Dr. Hillman and his team of researchers in the GCT lab with survivor sister Alisha Beynon